Friday, January 20, 2017

Ionic Installation Issues Update

   After exploring the Github issues section of driftyco/ionic-cli, I found that many people were having the same issue (surprise). richardshergold suggested uninstalling cordova and ionic globally and then installing them again globally. Doesn't make any sense and there are still many deprivation warnings, but ultimately it worked. It really don't understand why a user would have to uninstall something they haven't even installed, but whatever. Nonetheless, the following commands fixed my problem:
   sudo npm uninstall -g cordova
   sudo npm uninstall -g ionic
   sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
I'm still not impressed with ionic's weird issues and all the scary depreciation warnings but one thing I love about it is the live reload emulators. ionic emulate ios -lr launches an emulator that can simply restart (r) extremely quickly whenever you alter your code and is so much faster than Android Studio's emulators ever were. Of course sass has to ruin everything because in order to compile the scss I've altered to css, I have to exit the program and run gulp sass then launch the emulator again which takes much longer than restarting it in the live reload. Me and ionic have a love/hate relationship but I still like it much more than anything I've ever used. I could explore Xamarin in the future, but I'll stay with ionic for now.

Ionic Installation Issues

   It's been a while since I've posted, but I am currently working on adding Ionic and all its dependencies to my new macbook. I have never had so many installation issues. I do remember ionic and cordova being a pain, but nowhere near as much as a pain as this is. Ionic currently lists these steps for installation:

Everything I do seems to have been deprecated since I first installed Ionic last summer. That being said, they have not updated their documentation in the slightest. I'm currently trying to write a read-me for CHRONI's Github page so users can download ionic and emulate CHRONI. I might as well be righting Ionic's documentation for them since nothing of theirs make any since. Even the deprecation messages make no sense. I'll try to post new information if I make any progress at all.